Angel Detection Solutions

Elevate your safety, Live in the moment

Angel Detection Solutions

About the Company - We are a student-founded company based out of Richmond, VA, that das developed disposable cups capable of detecting the addition of date rape-drugs to an individual’s drink, and serve as a buffer between the targeted party, or parties, and those looking to commit non-consensual crimes. We identified a gap in the market for date-rape drug detection that causes countless individuals to fall victim daily. In the hopes of solving the date-rape drug crisis, we set out to develop a product that can alert its user or people around them of the contamination of their drink and remain safe. The final solution is Angel Cups, a product that specializes in detecting and alerting the user and others around them to the addition of date-rape drugs through color-changing chemical alerts on the side of the cup. Angel Cups allow their users to have peace of mind while social drinking by elevating their safety and allowing them to live in the moment.

Our Mission - Our goal is to elevate your safety, so that you can live in the moment. We aim to foster a safer drinking environment for all so that you can focus on what matters most to you. Our vision is that our product will revolutionize the way people approach social drinking settings regardless of age, nationaliy, or how they identify. We strive for our customers to feel comfortable and confident in all settings, from drinking with friends at their go-to spot downtown to feeling empowered to try new things with new people, create new connections, and a stronger community.

The Problem we are solving

Social problems

The usage of date-rape drugs has been a known problem for decades now, yet there are no solutions that are effective, convenient, and accessible enough to combat the issue.

Existing products have failed and continue to fail in providing a sustainable solution for our community to fight against this scourge. The numbers clearly illustrate this:


Is a victim of SA through date rape drugging

OVER 46,000

Reported cases of SA through drugging this year


Of date-rape druggings go unnoticed, or unreported


The cup does all the testing for you and alerts you only if there is a contamination.

The logo will change colors if any of these drugs is inside the cup.

Cups will be provided at the events you are attending, so you will not even have to carry them with you. The testing is conducted from the first pour until the last drop.




Angel cups are easy to use, even when you are inebriated.

People around you can also see the results and alert you of any danger.

Our cup is affordable Money will not be a barrier to safety.

Accessibility Icon

Our cup successfully tests for date-rape drugs such as GHB, Rohypnol, and Ketamines

Man relax icon


We would love to hear back from you!

Please reach out if you are in any of these situations:

  • You would like to know more about our product
  • You would like to pre-order
  • You can help us in a certain manner
  • You are interested in donating
  • You have contacts that could help us in:
    • Greek life organizations
    • Bars/Restaurants
    • Bio-chemistry technology
    • Other
  • You want to share your story
  • You just want to stay in touch with us

Please scan the QR code or click on the “Get in touch” button and help us make a difference. Help us put an end to date-rape druggings